Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?

Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? The Diwali Festival, or Dipawali, is the most important day of the year in India, which could amount to Christmas for Christians. It coincides with the Hindu new year and is also called the festival of lights. It actually lasts five days, in the month of Kartika, which coincides between mid-October and mid-November of the western calendar.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? The festival is considered a time to improve oneself and represents new beginnings. Each religion has different reasons for the celebration, but for the majority, it represents Lord Rama and his wife Sita returning to their kingdom in the north of India after having defected to the King of Demons Ravanna, in century XV before Christ. Legend has it that the inhabitants of the kingdom put lamps on the windows and roofs so that Rama could easily find the way home and hence the tradition of lighting a lot of lights during that night.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? Diwali is also a tribute to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune, and candles are also lit to guide her into the houses and bring good luck and fortune. Also the god Ganesha is especially venerated in Diwali. For the Jains, on this day of Diwali the Tirthankara Mahavirá, the creator of Jainism, attained liberation (moksha / nirvana / siddha) on October 15, 527 BC.
Celebration of Diwali
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? During Diwali people unveil new clothes, make gifts, share sweets and throw lots of fireworks. It is the entrance of the Hindu New Year, and one of the most significant and joyful nights of the year.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? The houses are specially cleaned and decorated and filled with lights and candles that light up at dusk. The third day is the most important, family and friends get together to celebrate a meal, make the gifts and finish throwing the fireworks. It is a tradition that the goddess will especially favor those who reconcile with her enemies.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? An altar is usually installed in a preferred place of the houses where Lakshmi is located, which is offered flowers, incense, and coins. When the falls, the windows and doors are opened and in each one there is an offering of light with an oil lamp or a candle so that Lakshmi also enters the rest of the year.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? In addition, paper boats or lit lamps are thrown to the sacred rivers, and the further they go, the greater the happiness in the coming year. Some designs are made called manorā, drawings made in the walls that are adorned during the festival. At dawn, it is traditional to wash the head, which has the same meaning as bathing in the sacred river Ganga.
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? The symbolism of the festival is man’s need to advance towards the light of Truth, that is, to obtain the victory of dharma (virtue) over adharma (lack of virtue).
You must travel Traveling to India during Diwali Festival
Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? It is always interesting to know the festivals and celebrations of other cultures, and the Diwali Festival is the most important in India. Being a family holiday, it is not easy to enjoy Diwali as visitors to the country.
Since there is a lot of movement of people to see their relatives, it is often more difficult to find a seat in means of transportation, such as trains and airplanes. Why Do We Celebrate Diwali? Therefore traveling to India in Diwali has its positive side and its downside. You can plan your trip with us India’s Invitation and ask questions if you have any doubt about your trip.
Now that you know that Why Do We Celebrate Diwali, it’s time to continue exploring the world. Tell me what you think about this post and if you would like to add another option. Do not forget to share this post with your friends.
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